



I. 将下列短文译成汉语(25分)

After 28 years of reform, China faces challenges of an unprecedented scale, complexity, and importance. China has already liberalized its markets, opened up to foreign trade and investment, and become a global economic powerhouse. Now its leaders and people must deal with popular dissatisfaction with local government, environmental degradation, scarce natural resources, an underdeveloped financial system, an inadequate health-care system, a restless rural population, urbanization on a massive scale, and increasing social inequality. Most of these problems, of course, have existed throughout the period of reform. What is different now is that the pace of change is accelerating while the ability of the state to manage that change is not keeping pace.

Solving any one of these problems by itself would be a formidable task. And the Chinese government today finds it harder than ever to attract, develop, and retain talent. Graduates from the country’s top universities, who once would have filled government posts, are instead choosing to take jobs in the private sector. Moreover, the structure of the country’s bureaucracy stifles initiative and promotes mediocrity. Worse, many officials, from the village to the central government, are corrupt, eroding the government’s effectiveness and feeding popular discontent.

Of all of China’s challenges, none is more critical — or more daunting — than that of nurturing a new generation of leaders who are skilled, honest, committed to public service, and accountable to the Chinese people as a whole.

II. 将下列文章译成汉语 (50分)

The New Middle East

Just over two centuries since Napoleon’s arrival in Egypt heralded the advent of the modern Middle East — some 80 years after the demise of the Ottoman Empire, 50 years after the end of colonialism, and less than 20 years after the end of the Cold War — the American era in the Middle East, the fourth in the region’s modern history, has ended. Visions of a new, Europe-like region–peaceful, prosperous, democratic–will not be realized. Much more likely is the emergence of a new Middle East that will cause great harm to itself, the United States, and the world.

The modern Middle East was born in the late eighteenth century. For some historians, the signal event was the 1774 signing of the treaty that ended the war between the Ottoman Empire and Russia; a stronger case can be made for the importance of Napoleon’s relatively easy entry into Egypt in 1798, which showed Europeans that the region was ripe for conquest and prompted Arab and Muslim intellectuals to ask — as many continue to do today — why their civilization had fallen so far behind that of Christian Europe. Ottoman decline combined with European penetration into the region gave rise to the “Eastern Question,” regarding how to deal with the effects of the decline of the Ottoman Empire, which various parties have tried to answer to their own advantage ever since.

The first era ended with World War I, the demise of the Ottoman Empire, the rise of the Turkish republic, and the division of the spoils of war among the European victors. What ensued was an age of colonial rule, dominated by France and the United Kingdom. This second era ended some four decades later, after another world war had drained the Europeans of much of their strength, Arab nationalism had risen, and the two superpowers had begun to lock horns. “He who rules the Near East rules the world; and he who has interests in the world is bound to concern himself with the Near East,” wrote a historian, who correctly saw the 1956 Suez crisis as marking the end of the colonial era and the beginning of the Cold War era in the region.

III. 将下列短文译成英语(25分)



IV. 将下列文章译成英语(50分)



请教了很多人这种规则何以能维系下去,几个美国人都说觉得付小费是很自然的事情,压根没考虑过这个问题。不过我听说小费源于18世纪的英国伦敦。那时,当地酒店的餐桌上一般都摆着写有“To Insure Promptness”(保证及时服务)的碗。顾客坐下后,只要将少量的零钱放入碗中,就会得到优先服务,服务的殷勤程度也和小费多少成正比。这一典型的贿赂行为被渐渐发扬光大,而且规范化、制度化,从事先付款,到诚信为本的事后付款,甚至如果你不付得体的小费,会受到道义的谴责――有一次希拉里没给服务员付小费就被媒体批评:那些服务员收入不高,你不付小费他们怎么养家糊口呀?


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