



招生专业:复语同声传译科目名称: 英汉互译



The genesis of a Chinese factory town is always the same: In the beginning nearly everybody is a construction worker. The booming economy means that work moves fast, and new industrial districts rise in distinct stages. Those early laborers are men who have migrated from rural villages, and immediately they’re joined by small entrepreneurs. These pioneers sell meat, fruit, and vegetables on informal stands, and later, when the first real stores appear, they stock construction materials. After that cell phone companies set up shop: China Mobile, China Unicom. During these initial stages there’s rarely any sign of police. Government officials are prominently absent. It’s not until plants start production that you see many women. Assembly-line bosses prefer young female workers, who are believed to be more diligent and manageable. After the women appear, so do the clothes shops. In the early days garbage accumulates in the gutters; the government is never in a rush to institute basic services. Public buses don’t appear for months. Manholes remain open till the last instant, for fear that early settlers will steal the metal covers and sell them for scrap.(186 words)


Glaciers in Antarctica are melting faster and across a much wider area than previously thought, a development that threatens to raise sea levels worldwide and force millions of people to flee low-lying areas. Researchers once believed that the melting was limited to the Antarctic Peninsula, a narrow tongue of land pointing toward South America. But satellite data and automated weather stations now indicate it is more widespread. The melting also extends all the way down to what is called west Antarctica. By the end of the century, the accelerated melting could cause sea levels to climb by 3 to 5 feet — levels substantially higher than predicted by a major scientific group just two years ago. Making matters worse, the ice shelves that hold the glaciers back from the sea are also weakening.

For years, the continent at the bottom of the world seemed to be the only place on the planet not experiencing climate change. Previous research indicated that temperatures across much of Antarctica were staying the same or slightly cooling. The big surprise was exactly how much glaciers are melting in western Antarctica, a vast land mass on the Pacific Ocean side of the continent that is next to the South Pole and includes the Antarctic Peninsula. The glaciers are slipping into the sea faster because the floating ice shelf that would normally stop them — usually 650 to 980 feet thick — is melting. And the glaciers’ discharge is making a significant contribution to increasing sea levels.

Together, all the glaciers in west Antarctica are losing a total of around 114 billion tons per year because the melting is much greater than the new snowfall. That’s equivalent to the current mass loss from the whole of the Greenland ice sheet, New research found that melting glaciers will add at least 7 inches to the world’s sea level — and that’s if carbon dioxide pollution is quickly capped and then reduced. (319)




最后我听了一堂音乐课,应该说是欣赏了一堂音乐课。老师很活泼,这堂课先是播放了迈克尔·杰克逊的《我们同属一个世界》,这堂课的主题是让世界充满爱。我对音乐是门外汉,但是我边听边感到这是一堂艺术熏陶课,对孩子是艺术的熏陶,也可以说是堂美学(aesthetics)课。美学从大的方面讲就是真善美,就是世界事物的真善美,这就是那首歌的真谛。因此听完课我就即席讲了一篇话,我说没有爱就没有教育,没有爱就没有一切。一堂音乐课让孩子们通过唱歌来懂得人世间的爱,懂得人世间的真善美。其次是人们的心底。孩子们都有心理活动,就是孩子们心底都有知、情、义。这就要求学生要有爱心,懂得爱父母、爱老师、爱家乡、爱祖国, 人最起码的爱就是这些。(295字)


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